[打击音源]Versilian Studio Tubular Bells v1.0 工作室管钟 |音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
Tubular Bells, otherwise known as Orchestra Chimes or Orchestra Bells, are a member of the percussion family often used to emulate the sound of church bells. It’s use is broad- everything from “epic orchestral” to concert band music and more. This particular set has been deep-sampled to provide solid playability and reasonably good sound quality. There is a very large dynamic range on the instrument, allowing it to ring out above the orchestra as it truly would, or sink behind quietly to just accent the flow of the piece. The chimes’ delays were recorded up to 10 seconds; pressing down the sustain pedal will unleash the full resonance of the chimes.
– c. 1 1/2 Octaves of chromatic sampling.
– 2x Borrowed RR and 5 Velocity Layers.
– Compact GUI to minimize screen space.
– Faux Vibrato effect for spooky music.
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