[打击音源]XLN Audio Addictive Drums 2 Complete v2.1.5 WiN |音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
Addictive Drums鼓(ADD鼓)是一个完整的鼓制作工作室!它拥有您需要做一个专业鼓音轨的所有工具。简单、实用、易上手。它以数字序列的形式简单明了地为您提供不同节拍和风格的节奏曲目,你可以简单地选择一个预设的节拍或者风格。或者可以建立自己的鼓组,选择你喜欢的鼓件来制作自己想要的节拍,制作自己的混音。
Team R2R | 01 Jan 2018 | 9.85GB
Addictive Drums 2: Complete Collection
Addictive Drums 2. Fully loaded with ALL expansions
ALL amazing drum kits
ALL professionally-played MIDI
ALL kitpiece expansions
Addictive Drums 2: Complete Collection is for professionals that want the total package. This package takes the guess work out of AD2 and gives you all the amazing drum kits, all the professionally played MIDI content, all the specialty kit piece expansions, and every single preset. If you want it all, this is for you.
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