[打击音源]Soundiron Voice of Gaia Bryn KONTAKT 打击乐音色库 |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
Voice Of Gaia: Bryn is an eclectic male tenor solo vocal library featuring the talents of Bryan Lane (aka “Bryn”). While trained in operatic vocal techniques, his own personal style draws from much broader and older vocal styles, inspired in equal parts by Middle-Eastern and American Spiritual and Gospel music. He delivers a dark, passionate intensity to his performances that will pull you in. At over 6GB and 7816 samples, this library offers deep content variety and exceptional user flexibility.
We recorded Bryn in a close studio environment, using premium low-noise large-diaphragm Neumann microphones and Sound Devices preamps to get maximum detail, clarity and fidelity. We captured true legato vowel sustains for Ah, Oo, Humming (“mmm”) and Whistling. We also recorded classic chromatic sustains for Oh and a gliding-attack vibrato Uh vowel. There are also staccatos for Ah, Oh, Oo, Uh, Humming and Whistling. Most of this chromatic content spans a natural key range from D2—D4 (extended from C2—G4).
Voice of Gaia: Bryn features a huge collection of live melodic phrases in classic “Pure Vowel”, Middle-Eastern and American Southern gospel and spiritual styles. Each of the main phrase categories includes a full selection of phrases for each key (A, A#, B, C, C#, D, D#, E, F, G and G#). In addition, there’s a general selection of whistling phrases in E/B major and improvised Arabian-styled chants rooted in E/B minor. Each phrase preset offers pitch transposition control, tempo-synching, step sequencing, song switching and dozens of other custom control features. We’ve also included our comprehensive FX Rack panel, with multi-effects, compression, EQ, amp/speaker simulation and convolution reverb, featuring dozens of our most popular custom recorded rooms, halls, cathedrals and otherworldly fx impulses, all easily available through the control interface.
– 6.06 GB Installed
– 7816 Samples
– 23 Kontakt 5.1 .nki instrument presets
– 24 bit / 48kHz uncompressed PCM wav audio
– Unlocked Kontakt presets and wav samples to allow user customization
盖亚布林Kontakt | 3.97 GB soundiron声音
盖亚的声音:布林有着各式各样的生活旋律中经典的“元音”,中东和美国南方福音和精神风貌。每个短语的主要类别包括一个全选择短语每个关键(,一个#,B,C,C #,D,D #,E,F,G和G #)。此外,还有吹口哨的短语/ B大调一般选择和即兴的阿拉伯风格的歌曲植根于E / B小调。每一句预设提供俯仰转位控制,节奏同步,步序,切换歌曲和几十个其他自定义控制功能。我们已经也包括我们综合FX机架面板,多影响,压缩,EQ,放大器/扬声器模拟和卷积混响,具有几十个我们最流行的风俗记录的房间,大厅,教堂和来世的FX冲动,都很容易通过控制界面。
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