[打击音源]Spitfire Glass and Steel KONTAKT 喷火特殊打击乐 |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
A selection of mystical percussion sounds created from found objects, hit, bowed and pinched virtuosically by a leading percussionist and recorded with meticulous and intimate intensity on our dry stage in London’s Kings Cross. Each sound has been exhaustively investigated, deep sampled, and played to its strengths (different beaters, flicks, bows and pinches) to give you the most musical and mystical results.
Whilst the materials have a raw beauty unto themselves we have also worked tirelessly to create the many presets, some simple and some warped beyond recognition, to demonstrate how these magical sounds can be used. A highlight of the library is a selection of sequenced rhythms that interact with eDNA to create up-to-the-minute pulsing tension beds and mystical atmospheres.
45 different glass and steel objects struck, bowed and beaten in various ways. Contains over 235 hand curated presets, epic cinematic rhythms and systems, disturbed morphs, beautiful hand blown pads and tweaked raw sounds. All housed in Spitfire’s own eDNA engine, providing further morphing options to adapt their sonic nature.GUIS
Over the last seven years Spitfire – in partnership with Blake Robinson – have been creating some of the most intuitive and ingenious scripts, simple to use GUIs and attractive front ends. A year ago, we wiped the script clean and set about creating a monster of a new script engine. This we call eDNA. Two sets of sounds can be used in conjunction with the eDNA engine to quickly, dramatically and awesomely create a new audio experience for the next generation of music makers.
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