[打击音源]8Dio Blendstrument Motion Textures KONTAKT 电子打击乐音色库 |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】官方 百度网盘在线SVIP免费下载507109-bianquren.cn


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[打击音源]8Dio Blendstrument Motion Textures KONTAKT 电子打击乐音色库 |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn



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8Dio Blendstrument Motion Textures KONTAKT | 7.32 Gb

Blendstrument Motion Textures was created by Academy Award, TEC and G.A.N.G Award Winning Composer, Troels Folmann and one of the world’s leading experimental music designers. The Blendstrument is a deep creative environment that gives you the ability to create an entire new instrument with a single click of a button. The Blendstrument has an infinite amount of combinations and can never produce the same instrument twice. It can generate anything from the most beautiful angelic ambiences to pulsing filmic motion textures, anything from dark and disturbing textures to the most extraordinary EDM drums.

The Blendstrument Motion Texture Edition was created around an advance PULSE architecture that allows the instrument to PULSE between different samples in sync with your DAW Host-Tempo. In addition it contains over 300 hand-crafted Textural Convolutions that creates a textural delay to the Blendstrument. The Blendstrument also comes with a full REVERSED patch, which gives that backwards feel to the Blendstrument. We also added our newest Chaos FX 3.3 and a brand new Panorama architecture that allows individual tuning and panning of each sample layer.

The Blendstrument contains over 21GB of content (compressed to 7.5GB) created by Prof. Mario Bajardi by using a very complicated chained setup that includes a full KYMA system and ability to physically draw waveforms in real-time. The Blendstrument is like an eternal box of chocolates. You never know what you are gonna get. But we promise whatever you create will be yours and yours only. It is our intention to offer this tool, so you can create something entirely unique.

• 5.000 custom samples created by Prof. Mario Bajardi
• Advanced Pulse Architecture
• Two FX Systems. Global FX and Chaos FX 3.3
• 300 New Textural Convolutions (Tempo-Synced to DAW)
• 100 Preset Examples
• Ability to create an entire instrument with a single click
• Ability to load/save individual Blendstruments
• Ability to design your own Blendstrument from ground-up
• Ability to RANDOMIZE all global FX with a single click
• Ability to RANDOMIZE & STACK as many sounds you want
• Ability to Pulse Pan each layer using PANORAMA
• Reversed Blendstrument – with all samples reversed
• Hyper Advanced Instrument Generator
• +21GB (compressed to 7.5GB) of all-new content
• +300 New Textural Convolutions
• +100.000 lines of custom code for new FX 3.3 system
• Instant Instrument Randomizer
• Instant FX Randomizer
• Full Retail Version of Kontakt 5.5 (or later) Required


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