[打击音源]8Dio The New Alien Drum Kontakt 外星人鼓音源 |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
We used custom microphone set-ups to capture the delicate resonance both inside and outside the drum, since the resonance defines the true sound of the drum. Additionally we sampled multiple playing techniques with fingers, palm, slaps, hand brushing and the back-side of the drum, which has the similar properties to the Udu. Multiple versions of all multis allow for a variety of ways to switch or fade between articulations while playing.
The New Alien Drum also contains several morphed patches – where the Hang Drum was morphed with other acoustic instruments (ex. modified piano, modified tonal percussion, modified stringed instruments, synths etc) and 20 carefully crafted ethereal ambiences. This is the first virtual instrument designed to match the SETI program and we are proud to announce it has been approved by the IGMP (Intergalactic Music Program).
Core Specifications
• Fingered, Hand/Palm, Brushed & Muted
• New Morphed Patches and Ambiences
• New 3D Animated User Interface
• Up to 15 velocity layers and 10 repetitions pr. layer
• Percussive FX
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