[打击音源]SONiVOX Big Bang Cinematic Percussion 2 v2.5 VST 史诗打击乐 |音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】官方 百度网盘在线SVIP免费下载507197-bianquren.cn


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[打击音源]SONiVOX Big Bang Cinematic Percussion 2 v2.5 VST 史诗打击乐 |音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn



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Whether you are searching for that extra bit of rhythmic flavor, or striving to create the most epic of battle cues, Big Bang Cinematic Percussion 2 packs the punch you need to get the job done in minutes. At its core, Big Bang Cinematic Percussion serves up a powerful selection of cinematic drum and percussion instruments, all painstakingly created by top SONiVOX sound designers and ready to spark some serious fire under your musical scores.

Each instrument has been lavishly captured, and was played with the proper professional technique. The multi-velocity, multi-take round robin format provides the pinnacle of realism.

Augmented Reality

The percussion world is constantly evolving. Big Bang Cinematic Percussion 2 offers exacting control over a host of sound parameters, allowing you to reveal new facets of an existing instrument, or to create something totally unique to suit the task at hand. The Amp page provides detailed pitch, dynamic, pan, and volume control, where as the Filter page offers a choice of filters with excellent tonal control. Both the Amp and Filter include five-stage envelope for shaping each sound. Big Bang Cinematic Percussion 2 allows you to maximize the sound potential of each kit. Eight stereo outputs and eight stereo effect busses allow you custom-configure the output, EQ, and Delay routing exactly how you need it.

All Together Now

The handy Note Repeat function will continue to retrigger the active drum at some pre-selected beat/tempo value for as long as you hold down the pad, key, or trigger, making it easy to build up complex parts quickly. And speaking of tempo, Big Bang Cinematic Percussion 2 uses the SONiVOX Intelligent Rhythm Control (IRC) to keep your playing in the pocket. Combining the IRC Resolution and IRC Gate adjusts incoming MIDI note data so your playing is accurately in-time, in real-time. In addition, the stereo delay allows either the Left or Right channel-or both-to be synchronized to beat values of the current tempo, tying your sound, song, and effects together.

Take Control

In addition to the onscreen controls, Big Bang Cinematic Percussion features a brilliant MIDI Learn Mode. Simply adjusting a parameter and then touching an external MIDI control creates a link between the two. This intuitive MIDI mapping system allows Big Bang Cinematic Percussion to quickly integrate with your favorite MIDI keyboard, electronic drumset, MPC, or pad controller. In fact, Big Bang Cinematic Percussion can save and recall your MIDI Learn presets and use them with any patch, so you only need to create them once.

Save & Store

Big Bang Cinematic Percussion features an integrated browser that makes it easy to store, sort, and find exactly the sound you are looking for. Instrument attributes such as Genre, Scene, Class-and of course, Name-allow your sounds to be stored in a musically meaningful way, as opposed to just indexed as numbers. Any and all attributes can be removed or re-assigned as your sound collection grows. Best of all, Big Bang Cinematic Percussion comes with hundreds of professionally programmed sounds to get you started. Each one can be endlessly tweaked and modified to rapidly build your customized Big Bang Cinematic Percussion sound collection. So get started now!



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