[合成电子]Plugin Boutique Carbon Electra v1.11 WiN MacOSX 合成器音源下载 |音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
WiN: 6.58 Mb | MacOSX: 9.95 Mb || Team R2R
4 Oscillator subtractive synthesiser featuring informative displays, editable step sequencer, vocal filter, integrated distortion and analog control.
Plugin Boutique & Samplify Present Carbon Electra. Carbon Electra is a powerful and intuitive synth built by producers, for producers. It’s a four-oscillator subjective synth with a modern feature set. It has been developed as an advanced learning tool whilst also being a powerful and easy to program synth. Being based on vintage analogue routing and featuring flexible modulation options including an editable stepper and note performer. The graphical displays act as a comprehensive information tool aswell as an accurate guide to each parameter change. Best of all, it sounds incredible.
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