[钢琴音源]Soniccouture Broken Wurli 1.1 KONTAKT |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
Why did Soniccouture sample a Broken Wurlitzer 200A electric piano? Asking around producers they know, to see if anyone had any junky, but cool sounding old keyboards ; Neil Davidge, producer for Massive Attack, said “..erm, I have an old Wurlizer piano with a dodgy distorting speaker that sounds great”. So, they borrowed it, and he was right, it did sound really great.
The left hand speaker breaks up and sounds absolutely savage, while the right hand speaker does the expected ‘clean’ (but lo-fi) sound. Soniccouture wanted to sample it, so they conducted some experiments with just recording single notes from the speaker with a microphone, and it sounded very cool – giving the iconic Wurlizter tone some real drive and bite.
Broken Wurli is a totally unique electric piano instrument – using the 3 dials (below) on the front panel you can mix any sound you need ; from classic, clean line out, to growling distortion and buzzing chords.
The 3 round-robin layers make the playing experience feel very real – this is the first sampled electric piano we have played that really feels physical and mechanical.
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