[人声音源]Soundiron Venus KONTAKT 维纳斯女声合唱 |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
We took all we learned from recording previous choirs and applied them here to make certain Venus is extraordinarily playable, diverse and stunningly beautiful. With Venus, we are aiming for versatility. Instead of focusing on one language, we offer both Slavonic (Russian) and classic Latin content, so composers can explore even more flavor and realism. We spent 10 days in our favorite church recording the 33-voice women’s chorus, featuring top notch talent from Volti, SF Symphony Chorus and the SF Choral Society, capturing all of the delicate nuances of the female human voice. Venus is all about power, clarity and fluidity. It includes 2 mic positions (stage and hall) so composers have the flexibility to incorporate the brilliant, natural sound of Venus easily into their mix. Now finally Venus has risen in the night sky, to join her Male counterpart Mars.
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