[人声音源]RealiTone Realivox The Ladies KONTAKT 流行女声 |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
RealiTone Realivox The Ladies KONTAKT | 6.28 Gb
Finally! A vocal sample library you can play on your keyboard that sounds smooth and real. Whether for pop or film scoring, leads or background vocals, Realivox gives you top session singers at your fingertips.
Five individual singers:
Cheryl Airy and pretty perfect for ethereal film cues
Teresa Soprano opera diva
Patty Pop or Ethnic
Julie Full range
Toni Smooth RnB
Each with 30 multisampled articulations:
Oo, Ah, Ee, Oh, Ey, Hmm, Mmm, La
Bah, Bee, Boh, Boo, Buh, Bop, Bow, Bah Fall
Dah, Dee, Doh, Doo, Duh, Boom, Bom
Hey, Ha, Ho, Hoo, Me, Shoo, Yeah
True sampled legato. Play singers solo, or stack to create choirs!
Kontakt 5.2.1 unlocked required
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