[音效]8Dio Free You KONTAKT |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】官方 百度网盘在线SVIP免费下载511210-bianquren.cn


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[音效]8Dio Free You KONTAKT |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn



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TEAM MAGNETRiXX | Feb 23 2017 | 4.21 GB
Free You is a new-generation art software instrument created in collaboration with our talented community. Free You was partially created by 200+ sound designers and partially created in-house by 8DIO. The instrument is best described as a deeply personal and unique textural composition tool. You can literally touch and feel the library at times – from the brightest heavens to the darkest of nightmares.

Free You contains over 4.5GB of heavenly sound designs divided into three core sound categories, including Tonal Textural Melodic Tools, BPM-Synced Rhythmic Pads and a unique Stuttery Rhythms. The Tonal Textural Tools are designed to add sustained and plucked textures to your music. The Rhythmic Pads are fantastic for a momentum and pulse – propelling the music to new places. The library contains over 300 organized presets – that each contains 3 unique sound layers that you can freely sculpt between. Free You contains 26 core banks that each contain 12 different patches. You can move and choose patches in real-time, since they all come pre-loaded.

Free You is not a conventional sample library. We would rather call it a piece of art software – liberated from normal and orthodox conventions of how things should be. It is beautiful, wild and free, yet completely organized easy to use. It is a library that is designed to surprise you and we added a variety of randomization features that can bring you into another dimension with a single click.

Free You is a follow-up to our popular Free Angels and Free Radicals libraries, which were done in collaboration with our awesome community of users. The idea with our Free You Project was to create the most personal collection of memorable sounds. All we asked was that people recorded/created the 5 most important sounds in their life. The 5 sounds that stood closest to their heart. We took all the contributions and put them into one samples library. We edited, programmed, designed and distributed the entire collection and also added a large chunk of personal materials to it. No restrictions, no rules no limits.


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