[音效]FrozenPlain Dual Music Box KONTAKT 梦幻八音盒 OK |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
Dual Music box is a library of 2 music boxes and other sounds. These 3 layers can be mixed together to make a wide variety of music box timbres. The 1st layer is the Victorian Music Box, the 2nd is a tiny, bright music box and the 3rd varies between patches, for example glockenspiel/ synth strings/ string pluck. If you enjoyed the free Victorian Music box, but want more options for realism and sound design, then Dual Music box is perfect for you.
• 24 presets.
• 2 sampled music boxes.
• 7 alternate sounds to layer (glockenspiel, plucked string, sustained. etc.).
• Stereo recordings 44.1kHz/ 24bit.
• 4 round robin music boxes.
• 21 impulse responses.
• 4 effects: distortion, rotator, reverb and tempo synced delay with presets.
• Randomise start time of notes for realism.
• Attack/ release and low/ high EQ controls.
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