[合成电子]Soundiron Fountain Wires KONTAKT 梦幻电子合成器 |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
We pulled out our trusty field recording gear and a heavy guitar pick and set to work, sampling a wide range of different wires, each with it’s own tone and character. The bass-heavy, full-sounding resonance of each cable mixed with the peaceful white noise drone of the fountains surrounding us to produce a rather beautiful and curious result. We then took the raw material back to our studio, pulled it apart and wound it all back together into a unique experimental instrument toolkit. Our goal with this library was to combine authentic field-recorded muso-environmental sounds and specialized sound design techniques to craft a playable and inspiring soundset that brings together the best of both the acoustic and synthetic audio worlds.
This 853 MB library includes the original plucked articulations as they sounded up close and direct, as well as manipulated articulations that provide punchy lead instruments, distorted guitar-like tones, undulating soundscapes, complex organ and e-piano-like elements, thumping bass notes and a wide variety of other very musical and deeply useful creative content. All of it is wrapped up in a customizable performance control system, with lots of soundshaping tools, arpeggiation sequencing and flexible DSP effects. This library is perfect for chillwave, new wave, EDM, glitch, post rock, soundtrack, downtempo, dub, ambient music, general sound design and any situation that calls for conceptually familiar and yet slightly off-kilter sonic source material.
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