[合成电子]SPC Plugins ArcSyn v1.5 WiN |音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
ArcSyn is a 16-voice polyphonic virtual analogue synthesizer plug-in with many unusual features.
No samples—all oscillator waveforms are generated from scratch.
Many unique waveforms including Sub-harmonics, Bit-Noise and FM Crossfade.
Unique LFOs feature wave sequencing and hundreds of unusual waveforms including many random types.
Powerful, self-oscillating filters based on the Oberheim Matrix 12.
Many unusual filter types like Frequency Shifter, Scramble and Multi-Alias.
Smooth, natural sound quality throughout—Oscillators and filters are 4X oversampled, all audio processing is done in 64-bit arithmetic and control signals are updated at 5500Hz or higher.
Comes with over 350 preset programs.
MIDI controller learn.
Easy program organisation—rearrange programs and folders using your computer’s file system.
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