[效果插件]Schaack Audio Transient Shaper v2.5.3瞬态整形动态效果 |音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】官方 百度网盘在线SVIP免费下载201094-bianquren.cn
V1.11 and V2.x are compatible. V2.x consumes a bit more CPU than V1.11, so we decided to still let V1.11 online for those who want to continue using V1.11.
– Makes your sound louder, gives it more expressiveness and more punch
– Ideal for individual or summed drums/percussions shaping
– Unique two-knob manipulation characteristics, not obtainable with any other type of gear
– Processed sound ranges from gate-like to compression-like
– Excellent Gate replacement (sounds smoother than a gate)
– 3 different Attack shapes and 3 different Release shapes
– Saturation for cutting off and smoothing too high transients (generated when using strong Attack)
– Resizable GUI (minimized by clicking in top left corner)
– Low CPU Usage (typically less than 1% on half-decent systems)
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