[效果插件]iZotope Insight v2.00 频谱分析仪 |音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】官方 百度网盘在线SVIP免费下载201128-bianquren.cn
Intelligent Metering for Music & Post
Insight 2 is a comprehensive metering and audio analysis plug-in that is a trusted component of award-winning post production and music studios.
Get Insight into any mix
Get a complete set of meters that can be customized and form fit to any session. Gain valuable perspective on any aspect of your mix, from loudness, intelligibility, spectral balance, and more.
Whether you’re measuring loudness for broadcast compliance, ensuring clear dialogue for film, or managing a complex 7.1.2 Dolby Atmos session, Insight 2 is the metering tool for the job.
Let your dialogue be heard
Don’t let your dialogue get lost in the mix! Insight 2’s new Intelligibility Meter takes the guesswork out of setting dialogue levels and provides you with a clearer picture of how an audience will experience the dialogue, no matter their listening environment. Mix with confidence using visual benchmarks that confirm your dialogue is sufficiently clear.
Insight 2 has been updated with the latest loudness standards, including EBU R128, BS.1770-4, and more
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