[效果插件]INA-GRM GRM Tools Complete Collection 声音设计效果包 |音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】官方 百度网盘在线SVIP免费下载201131-bianquren.cn
GRM Tools Evolution, GRM Tools Classic & GRM Tools Spectral Transform
After the fabulous GRM Tools Classic (8 plugins) and Spectral Transform (4 plugins) ,the new Evolution bundle (3 plugins) brings a new world of sound design and novel harmonic processing :evolving vocoder and morphing, filter delays, timbre glissandi, noising, etc. …
Through a completely redesigned interface, new features are available:
– Window Resizing for better working comfort
– Agitation controls to add random variations on processing parameters
– Ability to control all plugins parameters with MIDI learn.
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