[效果插件]Acustica Audio D361A Special Edition 1.3.609 |音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】官方 百度网盘在线SVIP免费下载201165-bianquren.cn
The D361A Special Edition (4 presets) reproduces the sound of a classic unit used in countless records in the 1960’s.
Key Features
Despite the digital revolution in the pro audio industry, many of today’s top albums are still mixed with analog outboard gear. Mixing with analog devices sounds better to many people. There is a very elusive quality imparted that is missing in digital audio, there is more weight to a mix, and the overall sound is more three dimensional. Analog devices produce electrical artifacts that affect frequency response, add harmonics, cause signal clipping and increase noise. These artifacts, which audio engineers often consider the character of a particular device, result from a combination of factors such as component grade, technology type (i.e. vacuum tubes, ICs, transistors), power supply specifications, equipment casing and other variables.
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