[效果插件]Blue Cat Dynamics v4.0 VST MAC 蓝猫效果器插件 |音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】官方 百度网盘在线SVIP免费下载201264-bianquren.cn
Blue Cat’s Dynamics is a full featured dynamics processor: it can be used as a compressor, limiter, gate, expander, waveshaper or all at once! The dynamics response of the plug-in can be tweaked with a unique two-thresholds system, and provides detailed visual feedback about its behavior.
The plug-in includes several filters to control the frequencies affected by the compression. Its continuous VCA/Opto and Peak/RMS controls let you smoothly and precisely choose the behavior of the envelope detection like you have never been able to.
The plug-in also provides advanced stereo features, with mid/side processing capability, multiple stereo linking options and the ability to choose the channels affected by the processor.
An additional brick wall limiter and clipper protects the output for complete control over the dynamics response.
Three different modes are available for external side chaining, using either the external side chain input, MIDI control or automation lanes.
The configurable visual feedback shows every detail of what is going on inside the plug-in. You can also record this information as automation curves, to monitor the modifications applied to the signal on top of the audio representation of your favorite host application.
All these features can be controlled from a fully configurable and “skinnable” user interface, or from any external controller.
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