[效果插件]Nomad Factory MAGMA v1.6.5 VST WiN MacOSX 效果器插件 |音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】官方 百度网盘在线SVIP免费下载201265-bianquren.cn
Features :MAGMA is a Virtual Studio Rack host that allows you to combine an infinite number of audio effects all in four easy to use racks.Includes 65 high-quality, custom, unique effects racksNew Modulation Matrix with 32 source/destination routingsModulation Matrix includes 8 LFOs, all temposynced and 8 freely assignable 16-stage MSEG sophisticated Multiple Segment Envelope GeneratorVST Chainer that allows loading 3rd Party plug-insDrag & Drop effects to any rack positionFour Easy-to-use Virtual Racks.Flexible Routing Matrix.Presets Browser Window.600+ Factory Presets Included.VST, AU, RTAS, AAX.Serial Number Autorization (Up to Five Computers, NO Challenge/Response, NO dongle).Effects Categories include:AmplifierAnalysisCabinetDelaysDistortionDynamicsEQsFiltersGeneratorHarmonicModulationReverbsSpecialUtilityThe ability to interchange racks freely and a flexible routing matrix allows you to build the effect chains of your dreams.MAGMA V1.5 now support 3rd party VST plug-ins, so you can mix and match your favorite VSTs.
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