[效果插件]Klanghelm DC8C advanced compressor v2.3.0 VST Win MacOSX 吉他效果器 |音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】官方 百度网盘在线SVIP免费下载201293-bianquren.cn


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[效果插件]Klanghelm DC8C advanced compressor v2.3.0 VST Win MacOSX 吉他效果器 |音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】官方 百度网盘在线SVIP免费下载201293-bianquren.cn



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Klanghelm DC8C Advanced Compressor v2.0.2 (Win / Mac OS X) |

DC8C is one of the most flexible compressors around. While making a lot of different compression styles possible, it’s general nature may be described as: clear, smooth, open, distinct. The main goal while designing DC8C was to get a very clean compressor action without unwanted and often almost unevitable artefacts/distortion. This way you can achieve almost invisible compression for your most demanding mastering sessions, when you want to avoid coloration. If you aim for colour you can choose between two saturation models. From opto style, peak compression, external sidechaining, RMS compression, Feedback, Feedforward compression (and everything inbetween) to negative ratios, zero latency brickwall limiting, from snappy transient treatment to smooth transient rounding – everything is possible.

DC8C Feature List
• detector network and gain reduction smoothing for extra smooth operation
• choose between two different attack and two release curves
• three different operational modes: NORMAL, CLEAN (100% clean compression with no intermodulation, no distortion, no aliasing), SMASH (ultrafast compression characteristics, almost clipper territory)
• up to 8x oversampling
• sidechain filter with high pass & low pass filter plus tilt control, which let’s you shift the frequency response of the detector
• the saturation stage can be put freely into the signal chain: pre compression, post compression and sidechain only
• different comrpessor curves selectable
• customize the program dependency of the compressor seperately for Attack and Release
• GR-smoothing control to dertermine, how sensitive the compressor reacts to changes in the computed gain reduction, great to emulate opto style compression
• hold control for heavy pumping compression effects
• pre comp control to delay the start of the attack to leave transients completely alone or radically shape the attack
• calibration control not only to set the reference level for the meters but also for the whole signal path. The higher the value, the softer the compression characteristics and the lower the saturation amount
• unique Feedback-Mix-Control, which lets you determine, how much of the compressor’s output is fed back into the detector. This way it is possible to morph between Feedback and Feedforward Compression topologies
• zero latency limting mode
• true zero attack (0.0 ms)
• negative ratios possible
• parallel compression, peak-compression, RMS-compression
• external sidechain (AU version: only stereo at the moment as separate version)
• sidechain listen
• easy mode which features 4 different compression styles
• lots of comprehensive presets to keep you started


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