[效果插件]iZotope Nectar Production Suite v2.04 VST MacOSX 音高修正 |音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】官方 百度网盘在线SVIP免费下载201322-bianquren.cn
Flawless vocal production is just a click away. From quick corrections to limitless creativity, Nectar 2 treats your voice to sweet results. Bring a vocal track to life with the only complete set of tools designed specifically for voice. Add impact with modeled plate reverb, harmonic saturation, and a wealth of creative effects. Stay in tune and remove distracting breaths without tedious, time-consuming editing. Instantly transform a single vocal take into a dynamic, harmonized ensemble. Whether you’re tracking or you’re mixing, Nectar 2 delivers professional vocals in an instant.
Key Features:
Explore 11 powerful tools in one plug-in: Plate Reverb, FX, Pitch, Delay, De-Esser, Saturation, Compressors, Gate, EQ, and Limiter.
Get smooth, pitch-perfect takes quickly with dedicated Pitch Editor and Breath Control plug-ins in the Nectar 2 Production Suite.
Finesse your sound with surgical detail using powerful advanced controls.
Improve vocal production at all stages, from tracking through mixing.
Rapidly audition different vocal sounds with 150+ presets, in a variety of genres from classic to modern.
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